i never understand the meaning of Facebook
This is meaningless, just meaningless, what's the use of a Facebook account anyway?
A portion of my "friends" are strangers to me and i bet you, the average Facebook user, don't know who a third of your "friends" are. Seriously, what's the point of adding strangers to your friends list if one, you don'd know them; two, you've hardly even spoken to them? Just today, i added this stranger to my friends list (usually strangers are sort of connected to me by mutaul friends). We have nothing in common--age, language, religion--he is from another part of the world. i've heard stories of predators preying on kids after they've befriended them or some member of a terrorist orgnisation recruiting members on the internet. these seem to be unhold assumptions but that person does seem suspicious. Since i dont frequent Facebook, i added him to my friends list. What harm can be done if i ignore his presence and accept the additional "friend" i have?
You know, research has shown that in MySpace, a potato has around 200 friends. That is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! I cant comprehend how can a potato befriend so many people without the human tools of communication. Maybe, the notion of friendship has become so diluted in our age that it is regarded as next to nothing at all.