Very unique curtains . The artist collected these pieces of wood from different trees surrounding her house. When strung together, it's like a whole forest of trees resides inside the house, metaphorically of course.
Somehow this picture reminds me of the novels written by Haruki Murakami. It exudes an air of poetic tranquilty in this surreal setting. It feels like the man inside has sunk into a dream and his soul is half the world away.
Gosh, this coat is so cool! And has a very geometrical look too.
I've been checking out fashion blogs lately and here is a really beautiful photo. Love her boots.
Check out this advertisment! this radiates a primitive feeling, judging from the model's make-up which resembles the red indians. One can look this striking in winter! Amazing! Since it's featured in a Russian magazine, probably the Russians prefer bold designs and strong colours?